Let’s Pushup for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Photographer: Pics That Pop
Can you believe we are in October tomorrow?? Where has the time gone?
October is is Breast Cancer Awareness month - a very important month for me personally and for many others worldwide. Massive hugs to those who are currently going through breast cancer treatment and to those who've lost family/friends to breast cancer worldwide.
I lost my mother Elizabeth Chanakira to breast cancer after it spread all over her body in 2010. In 2011, I founded the Elizabeth Chanakira Cancer Trust ("ECCT"), Zimbabwe. We support underprivileged cancer patients and their families with medications; food hampers and school fees for their kids.
Fitness To A Tee and the ECCT are connected because all funds for plans from clients who go onto #fitnesstoatee plans in Zimbabwe, go directly to support the patients and their families.
In September 2021, we are supporting 2 patients who I will introduce you to over the upcoming month. Thank you to everyone worldwide who has supported us over the years.
My mum Elizabeth Chanakira, who lost her battle to breast cancer in 2010. May she rest in peace.
Breast cancer statistics
Breast cancer arises in the lining cells (epithelium) of the ducts or lobules in the tissue of the breast.
Over time, the cancers can progress and invade the surrounding breast tissue, then spread to the lymph nodes or to other organs in the body. If a woman dies from breast cancer, it is because it has spread to other organs i.e. widespread metastasis (which is what happened with my late mum).
Breast cancer is the world's most common cancer. Although mainly women are affected, up to 1% of men globally can be diagnosed with it too. The WHO (World Health Organisation) states that in 2020, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 685, 000 deaths globally.
Ways to reduce/prevent breast cancer
The WHO states that regular physical activity plus a healthier lifestyle are factors which can reduce the risk of breast cancer, although there are many uncontrollable factors which can influence it e.g. family history of breast cancer.
Photographer: Linden Jesensek. Outfit: Fitness leaf by Fitness To A Tee.
Push ups for Breast Cancer Awareness
Fitness To A Tee will be encouraging physical activity and healthier eating as two of the ways to reduce the risk of breast cancer (and be healthier in general).
To raise awareness of breast cancer globally and also of the work the Elizabeth Chanakira Cancer Trust does - from the week beginning Monday 4 October, I'm inviting women to:
send in up to 30 seconds video of themselves
wearing pink (can be just a top or bottom in pink AND don't be afraid to be creative with your outfit)
doing any form of push ups! Challenge yourself a little if you like and make it a combo move. A combo move is when you do a push up, then immediately do another move e.g. a squat. You know I like my combo moves lol - just look at any Fitness To A Tee #workoutwednesday video! Check out yesterday's where I did a High Intensity Interval workout at home.
Send in any short breast cancer fact that can be added under the video.
These videos will go up in the stories section of the Fitness To A Tee Instagram and Facebook pages, plus the Elizabeth Chanakira Cancer Trust Facebook page.
You can send your video to fitness@fitnesstoatee.com.au , DM me on Instagram or Facebook or contact me by clicking here now.
Also, keep an eye out on the Fitness To A Tee social media pages' main feeds, for a jam packed month of inspiration and awareness in October!
Psst...if you're looking for some easy workout ideas from home, check out September's most popular #fitnesstoatee video by clicking here now! For the most popular, healthy #fitnesstoatee recipe this month, click here!