Holistic wellbeing

Kupora program
"Kupora" is a Shona word from Zimbabwe - which means to heal and restore.
The 4 weeks Kupora program takes care of your emotional and mental wellness, giving you a holistic approach to your health alongside your physical goals.
It includes customised stretching routines, deep breathing and simple meditation accessed via the Fitness To A Tee client phone app. Kupora is great for giving you mental clarity, more energy and stress relief to your everyday life.
Start the Kupora Relaxation Program now.

Focusing on You
Your health journey doesn’t need to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done! You are stronger than you realise, it’s time to give yourself credit!
We find excuses that prevent us from finding inner peace. We don’t like to make time for a bit of relaxation, deep breathing, stretching and detoxing. In this modern world, the lack of stress management is one of the biggest hindrances to our overall success and fitness. I teach techniques on how to manage stress and holistically approach your health. Change your life for good, learn how to take a breath; join me on the Kupora Relaxation Program.