
Sometimes our eyes can be bigger than our tummies, when that happens we tend to eat too much. At that point, we can choose to do the following:

  • Beat ourselves up for “lacking discipline”.

  • Get frustrated because when “eating right” we don’t get the desired outcome.

  • Give up and make it a new year’s resolution to do better next time.

  • Finally, seek professional nutritional advice.

Imagine for a moment that your body is a high powered corporation that works to keep you alive and you’re the CEO. It’s impossible to know or to do everything on your own to keep the corporation functioning optimally. As a good leader, it’s best to hire experts for the task, therefore it makes sense to get someone on your team who understands what you want to achieve and maps out your body’s specific needs. You deserve a tailored nutrition program that works best for you.

I will teach you about portion control, treat meals and detoxing. I respect an individual’s cultural palate and try to incorporate this in customised meal plans.

Sign up for a one on one consultation and personalised nutrition plan.