Kids’ Workouts
Today's post is about empowering kids through sport and exercise. I often get asked by my clients who are parents whether/when kids can work out. Whether you have kids or other youth in your circle - you can leave a positive impact on them with this information! When I say kids, I'm referring to those under the age of 18.
This post will chat about:
why it's good for kids to do some form of sport or exercise
what age they can start
what sort of resistance based exercises they can do outside of sport and
the importance of encouraging healthy eating for our kids.
Why are sport and exercise good for kids?
The Australian Government recommends that: children and young people should participate in at least 60 minutes (and up to several hours) of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity every day.
Children and young people should not spend more than two hours a day using electronic media for entertainment (such as computer games, internet, TV), particularly during daylight hours.
Age appropriate exercise and sport is vital for kids. The benefits are countless. A few examples are:
starts healthier habits from a younger age and sustains them in adulthood
helps with the growth and development of healthy bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons
builds better mobility, balance and coordination
develops social skills such as interacting with others
builds self-esteem and confidence
improves heart health
reduces the risk of conditions such as diabetes, obesity etc developing at a young age.
What age can kids start sport and exercise?
I remember when I was young, as soon as I could learn to ride a bike, climb trees, swim etc - I was at it. I started these activities from age 7 and by the time I got to age 11 - I was in my junior school hockey and tennis teams. My parents always encouraged me to be active and eat healthy, alongside taking my studies seriously too.
Of course all kids develop differently but overall from age 6 - most kids can do simple organised sport. For those aged 2 to 6, focus instead on basic movements like running, throwing, catching and tumbling.
From age 10, kids can then do more complex team sports which require more concentration, balance and strategies such as teamwork.
Resistance based exercises for kids
Science and research states that as long as the program is properly designed - there are many benefits for kids doing body weight and weight lifting exercises.
This type of training will help kids, for example, increase strength; help with bone growth and mental health benefits such as building self-confidence.
In terms of age, there is no wrong age to start - but it's advisable to start with body weight training e.g. modified pushups, lunges and squats.
I tend to favour body weight, functional movements for kids which imitate everyday activities such as walking, sitting down, pushing, pulling etc. So traditional moves such as squats, wall/chair pushups, bent over rows are great to incorporate as a start. If you're going to give weights to your child or teen - ensure that they are light to medium size and not for the purpose of building bulky muscle, but simply for them to get fitter and move well.
If your child is going to do a weight lifting plan - ensure you see their paediatrician or doctor first and that the plan is designed by a qualified Sport coach or Personal Trainer.
Healthy eating for kids
As with any goal for adults, a healthy body for kids is mainly made up of what they eat. As adults, we are their only example particularly if you are the parent. It's key for our kids to eat healthy so their growth can be well supported; conditions such as diabetes, obesity etc can be reduced and so they can have better mental/emotional health.
And to leave us inspired to a tee...check out 14 yr old Christiana's testimonial here. She's a #fitnesstoatee Tennis athlete client - who does strength and conditioning training with her Tennis Coach. She also coupled this with a #fitnesstoatee healthy eating plan, to meet the demands of her sport.
To find out more about the Fitness To A Tee programs or ask me a question about your health journey - click here!
To see the most popular video post on Fitness To A Tee this week - "Beginners Pushups Guide", click here!