Diabetes: What You Need to Know
Image: Linden Jesensek.
Hi all, I hope you've been well! This week on the Fitness To A Tee pages, I've been chatting about a rapidly increasing disease amongst us globally, including amongst younger ages (World Health Organisation - WHO) - diabetes.
WHO states: about 422 million people globally have diabetes and 1.5 million deaths occur each year.
Diabetes can lead to strokes, heart attacks, blindness, kidney failure. BUT if you've been diagnosed - have HOPE that you can use an active lifestyle as treatment too.
Difference between Type 1 + Type 2 diabetes
The most common is Type 2 diabetes and what I'm focusing on. Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body can't make any insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar. This is in some cases - genetic. Treatment is insulin injections and glucose monitoring.
Type 2 is when the body can't produce enough insulin, or the insulin being produced doesn't work properly. For Type 2 - an active lifestyle and healthy eating will help to manage + treat it, alongside pills/insulin.
Insulin manages your blood glucose levels by moving sugars from food you eat into your cells. Without it - that fuel remains in the bloodstream, where it damages organs and tissues. It’s fatal without treatment.
Signs of diabetes
In some cases there are no symptoms. When present - symptoms include increased thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue and blurred vision.
Exercise + diabetes
When it comes to diabetes and exercise, always check with your health professional first as everyone with diabetes is different.
However, it's well documented that exercise and healthy eating are great preventative and treatment options for Type 2 diabetes as it helps to regulate blood sugars and helps cells respond better to insulin. So don't shy away from exercise.
I've been happy to work with clients who were able to significantly reduce their blood sugar levels from following customised #fitnesstoatee nutrition and exercise plans plus then continue their health as a lifestyle.
Here's a simple video I did showing you some great exercise methods for diabetes or even if you don't have it - to regulate your blood sugar levels.
Click here for 4 minutes video!
Diabetes + food
For some tips - try these great food swaps. Instead of white potatoes which spike blood sugars - have sweet potato instead.
Swap chocolates and sweets for cacao powder eg in smoothies or healthy baking. Instead of fizzy drinks, bottled or carton fruit juice - have berries or try homemade juices which can be veggie based too e.g. beetroot, carrot, ginger + celery is great.
PS I focus on berries as they are very low in fruit sugars compared to other fruit. So think strawberries, blueberries, blackberries - any berries boo! Even if you don't have diabetes - these are great preventative measures you can start taking.
This simple dish of pasta above is made from lentils and is so yummy. Here's why its ingredients are great for prevention of diabetes or as a meal for diabetics.
Lentil pasta
This is a wholemeal, low GI carb with protein and fibre which all help blood sugars not to spike high.
Prawns + shrimp
These are good for controlling blood sugar levels and the omega-3 fatty acids in them help the heart not to have the negative side effects that diabetes can bring.
Click here to see my video where I show you 3 great foods to regulate blood sugars.
For more information on diabetes visit Diabetes Victoria here.
For customised exercise and nutrition plans which are focused on lifestyle change, work with me. Contact me here for a chat!