6 Ways To Beat The Winter Blues

Photographer: Michael Mclean

Photographer: Michael Mclean

All I can say is winter brrr… In Melbourne and other cities round the world, we are well into the winter season. Shorter days, longer dark hours and cold temperatures often bring out low emotional moods linked with winter. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a recognised type of depression that can happen for some in the autumn, leading into the winter months. It is usually self-diagnosable and symptoms include but are not limited to: 

  • feeling low most of the day, nearly everyday; 

  • low energy or sluggishness

  • feeling agitated

  • feeling hopeless or unworthy 

  • frequent suicide thoughts 

  • difficulty concentrating.

Ensure you visit your local doctor to discuss SAD more. However, even if you don't fit all the symptoms of SAD but you are finding you feel "blah di blah" in general over these colder months, here are a few tips to beat the winter blues boo! 

1. Music and dance

I bet you guessed I would say this, considering my African music and dancing at the start of all the #fitnesstoatee weekly #workoutwednesday videos! Yass boo - uplifting music, even when you don't feel like it at first - can pick up your mood. 

Science has proven the connection between music and your mood, with proven studies showing that music can, for example, reduce blood pressure, lower cortisol (stress hormone), whilst increasing our happy hormones such as endorphins and serotonin.

If you're struggling to exercise too, use the music to dance to and get your body moving. To avoid overwhelm, start off with dancing to 5 minutes daily then gradually increase. 

2. Creative activity 

It can be a right drag to exercise in winter, particularly if you are used to training in the early mornings. 

Gyms are great to be in as you are indoors but there may be limits on gyms worldwide due to various lockdown restrictions. So if you can't get to a gym or are not a member, try other activities such as: 

  • 8-20 minutes of tabata training (a form of High Intensity Interval Training)

  • skipping 

  • brisk walks particularly at lunch time, when it's most likely to be the brightest and warmer time of day 

  • joining a class eg salsa dancing, martial arts etc. 

Photographer: Linden Jesensek

Photographer: Linden Jesensek

3. Core activation 

With layering up with coats and sweaters - we can get lazy with our exercise as we think we can just "hide". To avoid shrieking when the layers do come off in spring...get your body stronger by doing fundamental moves.

Core activation is an example of a  simple method. The core is the centre of our body, so keeping it strong for everyday mobility is vital. The "flatter tummy" look will also follow naturally as a result.

One simple method for core activation is an activated plank. Whilst up on your toes - push your heels back; squeeze your glutes; have your palms flat on the floor and draw your belly button in towards the spine. Hold - whilst breathing gently for 20 seconds. Repeat two to three times. See this #fitnesstoatee #workoutwednesday video titled "Upper Abs Workout" for an example of a core activation method. 

4. Whole grain carbohydrates 

White refined and more processed "carbs" such as white potatoes, white rice, baked goods etc are the go-to comfort foods in winter. Instead of these unhealthier options, focus on healthy whole grain carbs such as sweet potato, butternut, rye/darker breads, brown rice etc. 

Often after eating white carbs, you feel high in energy then not long after like you've "crashed". Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia may happen because these simple carbohydrates, which are easily digestible by the body - can make blood sugar levels spike and then crash in a short amount of time.

Whole grain or wholemeal carbs will keep you fuller for longer, give you sustained energy and be kinder to your waistline.

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5. Vitamin B12 + other B vitamins

Talk to your doctor or other relevant, qualified health professional first to see if you need these supplements. 

Low levels of Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins have been linked to low moods. These vitamins affect brain function, including emotional and mental health.  

You can however get these vitamins naturally from foods such as chicken, fish, beans, lentils, bananas, oats, brown rice, etc. 

6. Vagus nerve massage 

According to the holistic psychologist Dr. Nicole Perera, the vagus nerve connects your brain to all the major organs of your body. By using a circular motion to massage two points at the top and bottom of the inside of your ear for one minute - this relieves anxiety by regulating the nervous system.  

See this quick video by Dr. Perera by clicking here now. 

So there you have it - 6 easy tips you can grab a hold of from today to lift your chin up buttercup. Byee winter blues! 


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