4 Ways to Reduce Cellulite


Today I'm answering one of the most common questions I get from clients worldwide: "Tee...how do I get rid of my cellulite?

What is cellulite? 

Whilst cellulite affects both men and women, statistics state that up to 90% of women will experience cellulite. 

It is the lumpy, dimpled fat deposit under the skin which is usually seen in the thighs, butt, hips and tummy areas. 

I have some cellulite at age 40 (turning 41 next week), but through my lifestyle - I have managed to reduce the appearance of it. I will be sharing my top tips below. 

There is more risk of cellulite due to factors such as age; family history; increased fatty tissue due to weight gain; poor circulation e.g. in the legs etc. 

How do you get rid of it?

Whilst cellulite can be managed, my answer is that you can reduce the appearance of it- as opposed "to getting rid of it". 

1. Body Acceptance 

This brings me to my most important answer to this question. Cellulite is very common, particularly in women - so learn to accept this when you do develop it. 

However, you feel how you feel and to be honest - when I've had it, I've taken out my cellulite-busting toolkit and gotten to "werk" on reducing its appearance. Personally I don't like the appearance of it on my legs and butt, especially in the summer when I want to rock my shorts, skirts and bikini at the beach. 

The key is to accept your body changes, not bash your body, then find ways to support your health and confidence. That's where natural remedies to reduce cellulite come in. 

2. It starts in the kitchen

Food is one of our most powerful tools as 80% of any health goal is about the nutrition boo!

Eating healthy will definitely reduce the appearance of cellulite, particularly as it helps to reduce excess body fat. 

My favourite cellulite busting recipe

There are also specific foods with cellulite-busting nutrients. Check out one of my all-time favourite, skin firming recipes which I do a healthy version of - instead of overloading on takeaway: Hotty at 40 Sweet & Sour. Click here or on the pic above. 

The ingredients in this meal which help reduce cellulite are for example, the brown rice - a wholegrain. Other examples of whole grains are butternut, squash, pumpkin, sweet potato, quinoa, wholemeal pasta etc. Whole grains boost circulation and have fibre to help the digestive system get rid of toxins. 

Leafy greens are also great for reducing cellulite as they have for example, antioxidants like lutein which helps the skin to keep its moisture and elasticity. 

Other cellulite busting foods 

Check out this week's #workoutwednesday video where I show you two of my top foods for reducing cellulite: blackberries (or any berries) and good old broccoli. Click here now. 

Image: Linden Jesensek

Image: Linden Jesensek

3. Exercise 

Resistance based training is one of the top exercise methods to reduce the appearance of cellulite. This is because firming or toning the muscle under the cellulite will help smooth the skin's appearance. 

You can do moves which work the area where you have the most cellulite. For myself, my cellulite usually appears on the front of the thighs - so I will increase my squats and lunges by doing them twice per week with at least 2 days' break in between training these areas. 

Check out this week's #workoutwednesday video where I show you 4 of my top skin firming exercises for the legs, hips, butt, side butt and tum. Click here now. 

4. Skin brushing 

I'm a VIP member of the skin brushing gang. I've loved it from a few years ago when I studied and qualified in Natural Detoxification at the Steiner Fitness & Business School, London before embarking onto a 5-star luxury cruise ship where I was a Fitness Trainer & Detoxification Specialist. 

Skin brushing was one of the processes I learnt as part of natural detoxification for the skin and body. It gets rid of toxins; exfoliates the skin; gives you a skin glow up and helps increase nutrient absorption in the body. It's a win-win with a skin brush boo! 

Be disciplined and do it once - three times/week until you see a difference in your skin. Dry brush before your shower or bath. It generally takes me 3 - 4 weeks to see a visible difference when skin brushing, along with consistent healthy eating and exercise. Results will vary from person to person.   

Check out this week's #workoutwednesday video where I show you how I use my skinbrush. 

So those are my top natural tips for reducing cellulite, because you know at #fitnesstoatee it's all about keeping it natural baby woop! By using natural methods, you will be able to sustain your results much easier over a lifetime. 

If you're 30 years old plus - see the #fitnesstoatee personalised Hotty@40 plan, which includes an exercise plan; nutrition plan and natural skincare routine to get you feeling and looking years younger. Click here to view or contact me here to ask questions.


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