Tiny steps...you CAN stand up again!
*Top: Available at Fitness leaf
It's been a while since I wrote a "real talk" type of blog post and for the last few days I could feel that I needed to write this! I'm so excited for the new projects that I have been blessed to complete this year and I'm currently working on a few more.
I am inviting and really would treasure you walking the journey with me towards my next projects which will be released over the next weeks and months. I will be sharing snippets of my journey with you. Whilst I'm not revealing today what the projects are, I will be giving you more insight into parts of the journey including how I plan my days; meetings etc. I will be letting you know what the biggest project is next week, and we will start walking together through it!
The reason why I'll be doing that is because I believe it will encourage someone out there that achieving any goal in life is really about the tiny steps that you take.
I also want to thank you for your support of Fitness To A Tee over the years. I am so grateful for all the lovely online clients I work with, along with all the comments and feedback I have been receiving on how I can bring you more useful tips and tools for your health journey, wherever you are in the world. I really do take feedback seriously, as that's the only way I have been able to grow. As the saying goes, "no man is an island."
As some of you may know I have also been very open about my battle with anxiety and depression over the past few years. This really hit me between the years 2016 up until mid 2019. It was the culmination of:
unresolved trauma from not fully grieving the loss of my parents;
an unhappy marriage;
separation with my husband in the same year as my dad's death in 2017;
going through a lengthy divorce & divorce itself;
abusive (emotional, mental & verbal) relationships;
multiple hospital admissions, including two major operations in the last 4 years;
and sexual assaults.
So happy to have published this recipe book "Eat Your Way to a Healthier Body" as a paperback on Amazon this month! You can get it on all international Amazon sites.
Click here now to view it on Amazon Australia.
I am strong and far enough in my healing, to be open about these things without shame because I am so full of joy and gratitude now. I've been through a lot and my pain is not a secret. As a woman of faith, I know that God wants me to use my pain to encourage others that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. I wake up daily, filled with purpose and happiness just to be alive because to breathe in another day is a blessing.
Things were not always like that for me. God; support from a few people close to me; exercise; healthy eating and a fire in me that never went out (it just dimmed for some years) got me through!
I am speaking to anyone out there who feels lost, or maybe you can't find your true light. It's there honey...and even if this post doesn't make you jump out of bed like a kangaroo right this minute - I remember reading posts like these and/or watching countless videos where others told their story of hope...and inch by inch...they allowed me to get up again onto my knees. Then from my knees, to stand up again. Once I could stand up, I started walking forward step by step. Walk...even if you limp at first!
Available on all international Amazon sites.
Click here to view the book on Amazon Australia.
This is not to say that ALL my stuff is figured out. No, I have bad days too just like any other human, but the key is I have real hope in life and in being some sort of light to anyone who needs it.
I'm so excited to have started on the next big project with Zareen, Head Stylist at Style by Zee , Melbourne. You can follow her amazing work by clicking here now. She is responsible for leading the vision behind the 2 shoots below in which I worked as a model within the amazing team, modelling for amazing Australian fashion designers (see images below).
Next week, I will be revealing what it is!
Modelling for Vogue published, Australian designer Effie Kats. Effie Kats has dressed the likes of for example, Kelly Rowland. Stylist: Style By Zee. Photographer: Robbie Lall. Other models: Jessie (left) & Steph (right).
Modelling for Australian designer Lucy Laurita. Stylist: Style By Zee. Photographer: Robbie Lall.
I look forward to walking the rest of this year's journey together with you! For now, take care. Stay healthy and safe wherever you are in the world.
Tee xx
Other useful links:
Follow my fortnightly podcast "Under the Tree with Tee"
Instragram – @fitnesstoatee/@teurai1
My Model Business page on Facebook
Business Enquiries Email: fitness@fitnesstoatee.com.au