4 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season!
To view full video click here now or on the image of me above.
Are you thinking you will get healthier and/or fitter on 1 or 2 January 2020?? Do you know that statistics show that at least one third of people who set out to do exactly that fail and never get started?
Whether you're someone who's new to exercising or you've been exercising this year, I made you a video with 4 super easy exercise and eating tips you can use over the festive period - yes as in from tomorrow! I knew you'd be pleased haha! Click on the image above to view the video.
I also talk about my personal journey in this video as I'm currently going through a divorce. I talk about it openly because I always aim to inspire someone out there through my own experiences and show you how I use health/fitness to support me through anything in life!
After all, stories heal and in whatever area I've faced challenges or wins in my life - I always encouraged myself with other people's stories too.
If you have any questions on your health going into 2020; want to get some tips and see how Fitness To A Tee can help you get motivated - book your FREE 15 mins discovery call with me, wherever you are in the world by sending an email to fitness@fitnesstoatee.com.au.
Have a great rest of the day wherever you are!
Tee xx
Other useful links:
Fitness To A Tee – follow my exercise videos & life vlogs on YouTube
Instragram – @fitnesstoatee/@teurai1
My Model Business page on Facebook
Business Enquiries Email: fitness@fitnesstoatee.com.au