Bye to Back Fat: Beginners' Workout!


Click here now or on the image to view the video!

Hi all, I hope you're having a good week so far! I'm having a great week and I'm loving creating all these new video workouts and quick tips on all the Fitness To A Tee social media pages that will help you on your health journey.

Remember you can always contact me via the contact form here if you have any questions about your health goals. You can book in a free 15 minutes consult with via voice or video call, wherever you are in the world! 

I've been getting so many questions from those who are just starting out their health journey about simple exercises to get rid of stubborn back fat. So I made a quick video for you. 

Click on the image of me above or here now to view the video.

For each move, do 2 to 3 sets of 12-15 reps. For the moves where you use 1 arm at a time, do 12-15 reps on each arm. Enjoy! 

Contact me here now for your free 30 minutes health consult! 

To view bitesize nutrition + exercise tips plus see healthy transformations of people worldwide, join the Fitness To A Tee Community on Facebook. Click here to join now!

Chat to you soon! Have an amazing day!

Tee xx


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