Can't Believe It: Caribbean Dream! favourite place in the Caribbean Islands!
After being told which ship I was going on, the most exciting thing was seeing the itinerary whilst I was still in the Academy in London! Click here to read my last blog on when I found out which ship I was being assigned to.
I had been praying and wishing for a ship that went to the Caribbean Islands as it had always been my dream to go there since I was in my late teens. And the ship was sailing there for a month in December. I was literally jumping up and down as I read the itinerary in the corridor at the Academy in London - dancing doing the “butterfly dance” all the way down to the floor lol!
An ornament I saw in Tenerife...sums up exactly what I was doing at sea too :)
Once my excitement had settled down and I was actually on the ship, I went through so many emotions in that first month. Before getting to the Caribbean Islands, our first ports of call were within Europe so e.g. Tenerife and Madeira. I was still in a crazy daze when I would get off the ship and hastily ring or text family and friends to let them know that I was ok. It all seemed like a dream, whilst I was still adjusting to the following factors all at once:
being on a ship and at sea for the first time in my life. It was completely out of my comfort zone and beyond what I had even imagined it could be. I went on the ship having absolutely no idea what it would look like.
Getting to know my way around the ship because everything looked the same to me. I got lost soo many times.
The busy routine and getting to know my schedule and job.
Missing my close friends so much. I couldn’t call and text them anytime anymore.
Working and living with my colleagues within the Spa and then the entire ship crew itself.
My roller coaster emotions – being happy one minute then wondering what I had done the next…Lord knows it was like being in a washing machine!
My first days onboard. This was me having breakfast in the ship on the morning that we got to the first port where I could get off - Tenerife. I was feeling so up and down with my emotions, but determined to make it through.
When we started sailing towards the Caribbean Islands, we spent many days at sea – sometimes as many as 7 in a row, by which time as much as I love the ocean - I was just sick of seeing water everywhere. I would get slightly seasick by having a slight headache, and some days the water was so rocky, so I would be walking and holding on to the rails, but we always made it safely.
Arriving in Madeira, Spain.
I didn’t have much contact at all with friends and family due to the poor network so in those first days when I was still getting to know people and make friends – I relied heavily on praying to God and lots of positive self-talk. Remember I had had a rough last two years with my dad passing away the year before; coming out of a deteriorating and then failed marriage; the anxiety and depression during/after my separation; pending divorce and just being so broken within (more on this later) I was handling all sorts of things emotionally and mentally. I felt that I needed to get away from Australia, from everything really and just have some peace. By the end of the 9 months journey, I learnt that happiness is within you – it’s not external – but I won’t lie, the travel did me a world of good (no pun intended haha).
My first dinner in one of the fine dining restaurants onboard. 1 of the girls was leaving.
However I was also so grateful to God for what my eyes were seeing! Nature has that way of humbling you and making you see that there is so much more to this Earth and life than your little zone at home. I was also so proud of myself for what I had achieved at the Academy; and then about to embark on travel around the world through my work in Fitness – something I had always promised myself, even though I never knew how or when.
Cadiz, Spain.
You know had happened to me and I was just ready to give it my best shot and keep moving forward as best as I could. And some days I felt so crappy, some I felt great - I just took it as it came.
I have always promised myself and God that I will use whatever opportunity I have in my hands to grow as a person; grow professionally and more importantly – encourage and inspire others. Throughout my blog, you will see how I used every resource to the last drop to grow in so many areas! My story is one of turning any pain into hope and a bright light! I want you to know that you can get through anything in life. I’m not any more special than anyone on this planet – but yet I have made it through soo much pain, heartbreak and transition to come out smiling with joy on the other side and full of renewed hope.
Cadiz, Spain.
Below are highlights of my favourite places in my travel from November 2018 to early January 2019. These are places you might love to visit too if you can!
Hamilton, Bermuda.
Grand Turk! Absolutely loved this island & had the whole day off here which was such a bonus.
Nassau, Bahamas. I was pinching myself. The people in all the islands were so friendly and welcoming.
St Lucia - simply stunning!
Solo beach time in St. Lucia. I was thanking God for seeing this in my lifetime. And all the time He was allowing me to heal, day by day.
St. Maarten
Aruba was my absolute favourite out of them all!!
Aruba. I spent the day on my own exploring the island.
Aruba. This is a must-see! So peaceful, beautiful, great food, people and markets.
Aruba I love you!
Of course I had to do a headstand on the soft, sandy beach of Aruba. This is an island I want to go back to by God's grace.
Fun in Grand Turk with some of the team members from the Health Spa which I was a part of as a Holistic Health Coach & Personal Trainer onboard.
Walk with me through my journey where in the next blog I continue to show you the unique travel destinations around the world which I went to, and go deeper into my emotions and growth throughout this experience.
For my latest book which I wrote during my time at sea and then published a few weeks ago, "How to Live From One Suitcase In A Year: Endless Fashion Options for Any Climate Whilst You Travel!" - click here now to download it from any international Amazon Kindle site. Ensure that you download the free Kindle app onto your device first, then go the Amazon Kindle store of your country.
Tee xx
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Fitness To A Tee – follow my exercise videos & life vlogs on YouTube
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