Video: 10 Mins Bookworm Arms + Core Workout!
Click here now or on the image above to view the workout and do it along with me!
Happy Friday! In this video I take you through a simple routine for all parts of the arms that you can do anywhere - all you need is 1 to 3 books! You can do this workout in 10 to 15 mins maximum, so no excuses.
As well as looking good with firmer arms, strengthening the arms is great for your daily activities such as lifting; pushing; reaching for things from shelves etc.
Remember, you can have the knowledge by sitting there and watching the video, but it's not power until you use it! So give it a go even if your feelings are telling you not to workout.
Click here now to do the workout with me! Add 1 to 2 extra rounds on top of the 2 we do together in the video if you have time. You can also check out all the Fitness To A Tee online programs available to help you get and stay healthy wherever you are in the world, by clicking here now!
Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Tee xx
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