CLIENT STORIES: Brenda's Journey!


I love to share the journeys of those that I work with either one on one OR worldwide and online via the Fitness To A Tee customised Flat Tummy Coaching Programs. Everyone is so different in terms of their individual health journey and what works for their body...and it's important for us to recognise and embrace this.


35 Who?! So proud of working with Brenda for over 5 years through her health journey!

At Fitness To A Tee, I take a holistic approach to your health ie focus on the physical, but also where you are emotionally, mentally as you begin your health journey AND at each stage. You will find that this evolves when you are supported, and that then influences the improvement of your health. One can never separate the physical, emotional and mental. For some, the spiritual is also necessary. They all go hand in hand, so you can get the ultimate benefit for overall health (and of course the aesthetics: a flatter tummy; toned legs; toned butt etc)!


35 (years old that's right lol) never looked so good! Brenda looking FANTASTIC this week on her Bali holiday! She has been on the Fitness To A Tee one on one and then online coaching plans since 2014.



BRENDA SAYS, "the biggest change for me is that I'm loving my body more! When I started this journey I wanted it to be about how I LOOKED vs how I FELT! So I would push my body to a point of injuries. I visited the Physiotherapist more often than I would like because I kept pushing and lifting. Tee also ensured that she got his treatment plan and would adapt my exercise plan so that we were all always on the same page.

Even with the pushing I kept doing I wasn't happy with my body. I wanted more and kept comparing my body to other people's. This had to stop! Over time and with Tee's support, I've now learnt to give my body a break now and lift less weight to suit it as everyone's body is different. I pour love and light into my body and if I'm not in a mental space to work out, I don't go to the gym FULL STOP! Eating clean has also become so much easieeeeer! "

WELL DONE BRENDA 💪! For enquiries or to sign up for the next customised, online #fitnesstoatee coaching plans send a message via the Contact Us page at OR email ♥ Start date of plans is from Monday 16 September 2019.

Blessings, Tee xx


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